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03  |  Our Leader

Terry Lai


Shared Destiny
Among the ten or so Pompe Disease patients in Hong Kong, Terry and his older brother were the first two to be diagnosed. Back when his brother was first diagnosed with Pompe disease, the 9-year old Terry was already warned he might share the same fate. Even so, Terry at the time remained in denial he might also be a Pompe Disease patient, and instead devoted himself to vigorous exercising to prove to his parents and himself he is fine. Even so, as his lower limbs started to lose strength and his back started to hunch, Terry knew it was he had to accept his fate.

The Perfect Ending to a Chapter

The turning point for Terry and his brother came in 2010. A year ago, as his brother’s condition rapidly deteriorated, doctors told Terry’s family to prepare for the worst. Yet even as the rest of his family gave into despair, Terry refused to give up hope. After exhausting all available resources, Terry at last caught wind of a new enzyme replacement therapy developed overseas that was about to launch in the commercial market soon. To save his brother’s life, Terry decided to bring the issue of rare disease under media spotlight, so as to raise public awareness and force the Hospital Authority to allocate funding for the new treatment. For Terry and his family, all the stars aligned and their media campaign was a resounding success. Over seven media outlets were fighting to interview Terry’s brother and his story made headlines in just as many newspapers, arousing widespread sympathy among the public. Looking back at the numerable hardships his family faced since his brother’s diagnosis of Pompe Disease, Terry believes getting the Hospital to approve the needed treatment for him and his brother marks the perfect ending to this chapter of their lives.



About Pompe Disease 



 Accumulation of glycogen in lysosome due to deficiency of acid alpha-glucosidase enzyme, leading to damage to nerve and muscle cells across the body 



Autosomal recessive inheritance disease


 About 10 Pompe Disease patients in Hong Kong


Muscle weakness, decreased lung function, scoliosis


Movement and respiratory difficulties, might require wheelchair and ventilator



Enzyme replacement therapy

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Light at the End of the Tunnel
The success in saving his brother’s life made Terry believe in the power of advocacy and gave him the motivation to serve in patient organizations. Terry described his experience as being stuck in a sea fog, when his life is full of unknowns, and slowly the fog parted to reveal light at the end of the tunnel. To this day, Terry remains active in a plethora of rare disease organizations, hoping to bring change on a policy level, lest other rare disease patients suffer through the same experience he and his brother did over a decade ago.

"I want to support those rare disease patients searching for the light at the end of the tunnel, to help them shorten the days they have to live in darkness and suffering."


"In rare disease families, the burden shoulder by parents cannot be described by words.

They indeed are the greatest and the most selfless."

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